Friday, August 13, 2010

Nightmare on Centre Court

Quick update on the Rogers Cup. It was a nightmare for Thomas Berdych tonight at the Rexall Centre. The match was his to lose and in the end he did. Friday the 13th and it sucks to be Berdych right now. He lost in the 3rd set against Roger Federer. Question? What do Freddy Krueger and Roger Federer have in common? They both keep coming back and with a great backhand slice I might add. Excuse the pun. Roger did not disappoint once again. Tonight I couldn't help but notice Roger's wife Mirka was sitting in the stadium. It got me thinking. (Yes that has been known to happen to me on occasion.) I was thinking isn't that weird how his wife gets to watch him work? She applauds him too. I wonder if he returns the favour. "Great supper Mirka. Well done." I also wondered if they argued before a match would Mirka root for his opponent? "Go Rafa! Take that you son of a bitch. You're damn right love means nothing!" I know I would.

On my drive from mid town Toronto today to the Rexall Centre I also realized Toronto's like a big box store. It's got more of everything. It's basically a city on steroids. But there's no need to be intimidated by its size or for that matter, its drivers. All you really need to get around is a great deal of confidence; a reliable gps; and a pretty good liability and collision coverage policy. I find putting on your best snarly look helps too. Hand gestures are optional but recommended in certain circumstances.

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