Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Law of Averages Says You Can't Win Them All

It was as I predicted. The law of averages says you can't win them all and tonight I triumphed over my tennis partner 6-1. I am still not sure how this happened. I can only assume the planets were aligned; the gods were on my side and my partner was having an off night. Regardless, I am a winner for the first time in three attempts. I have always believed in "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again". Or, was that belief "enough is enough"? Who cares? Today I am a winner. I'm out there baby and I'm loving it.

So I heard today on The View, (yes it has come to this) that getting your anger out reduces stress and by reducing stress you increase life expectancy. Guess my lifespan just leaped into Buzz Light year range. Continuous driving on Toronto streets should guarantee one from checking out any time soon. Today, en route to the Rexall Centre I loudly thanked an elderly couple for not allowing me to enter the right hand lane on Eglinton. I played chicken with a very large city transit bus. Man those guys are seasoned road warriors. I am not worthy. And I nearly became the meat between a Sebring-Saturn sandwich. Yes I do believe this will get me into the Willard Scott-Smuckers Jam centenarian club. My fifteen minutes of fame fulfilled albeit, six-feet under.

Last but not least, it was reported today that being a slob is a good thing. It seems unmade beds eliminate the spread of dust mites. I`m all over this one. It`s like someday they are going to discover that Twinkies were actually good for you. If that happens I`ll be the healthiest person alive.

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