Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood and Mine

I must apologize for my blogging of late if it contains too much tennis. The Rogers Cup has turned me into a tennis whore. It's just what I wanted and I can't get enough. If I may borrow a line from Michael Scott, "That's what she said." Today I spent the entire day and evening at the Rexall Centre and even though I am not scheduled for a volunteer shift tomorrow I need my tennis fix. I am insatiable.
The Rogers Cup has caused me to ignore other areas of my life like my kids (taste of their own medicine); my spouse (he's use to it); my job search (hope EI doesn't find out); my diet (no wait that is always ignored); my exercise routine (who am I kidding?); and my neighbourhood. I am headed for Tennis Anonymous. Seems while I have been on my tennis binge there was a crime taking place right here in my own neighbourhood. Directly across the street as a matter of fact. A jewellery store was robbed and the owner shot. The entire corner of Bayview and Eglinton on the north side was cordoned off and there had to have been more than a dozen police vehicles; a fire truck and an ambulance surrounding the area. I have heard that the shot was not fatal and the suspect has not been apprehended. Right in my own neighbourhood. It's like living in South Central LA. Where's Clint Eastwood when you need him? In just less than two months there have been two shootings. I was never very good at statistics but I'm going to go out on a limb on this one and say that's a pretty high rate of incidence. Book of the month good. Shooting of the month not so good.

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