Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Little R & R

Tis my third day on duty for Rogers Cup Tennis and it did not disappoint. I'm back baby. I am happy to report after only a few short weeks of living in Toronto I have reached my first milestone. Today, a day which will live in infamy, I was confident enough to multi task while driving to my destination. Yes, I ate my breakfast behind the wheel enroute to the tennis tournament. I did not spill a drop of tea nor did I get egg on my face. The egg on my face came when I forbade what I presumed to be a spectator from entering my post; a post off limits to the general public. Turns out the restrained spectator was one of my supervisors but in my defense she was not in her issued uniform or displaying her accreditation. Chalk one up for the pass Nazi. High five.
Also while enroute, I was able to program my gps and retrieve my cell phone voicemail messages and that's against the law. Living dangerously I am.

Perhaps it was just a little R & R I was in need of to get me to relax and settle into my new surroundings. By a little R & R I mean Rafa and Roger. Roger Federer filled the Rexall Centre tonight. No surprise there. There's a guy who just needs to show up. His talent speaks for itself. Tomorrow night is Rafa's turn to show us the magic. Volunteering is the best gig ever. First of all they outfit you with a jacket; hat; t-shirt; water bottle and tickets to the event. So far I have worked three days and each day the first thing I have to do is take a break. It's exhausting. Hour on; hour off. Then it's lunch, provided. Watch some tennis and back to your post where you get to talk to people all day and shop on the grounds. All this and free parking. Nice gig if you can get it. I am considering getting myself a totem like in the movie Inception, to determine whether I am dreaming or awake.

To be continued.

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