Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Never Promised You A Rose Garden

Please accept my apologies for yesterday's blog. I have come to realize in just a few short weeks, life in Toronto isn't nearly as exciting as many make it out to be. It's like you know when people tell you they hike. What they don't tell you is that hiking is actually walking. I know this for a fact because I've have done this. I beg of you if there is anyone out there who can explain to me the difference between the two please do. Is it the shoes? the terrain? The time of day?

It's tough trying to come up with some interesting things to blog about. There has yet to be a photo of me adorning the side of a city transit bus or two litre milk carton. I may never be featured on ET Canada but that's Ben Mulroney's loss. I'm not bragging I'm just saying. There is nor has there ever been a write up about me in the "Who's Who" of Ontario and it's not from lack of trying on my part. Trust me on this one. The closest I've come to being newsworthy ever was when my children's friends stole some gnomes, Wylie Coyte,Daffy Duck and a trio of windmills off a neighbour's lawn and CBC Radio came a calling. Yes, evidently missing lawn ornaments does headline news make.

Well this concerns me because now I have no lawn so I am incapable of even duplicating that scenario. What I will do is try and find one thing each day to share with you.

Today for instance was my first day as a volunteer for pass control and outside courts for Roger's Cup Tennis. Great day. No mishaps. Well except for that one player whose credentials I called into question. I am sure he will look back on this misunderstanding with the fondest of memories. I know if Tennis Canada ever invites me back, I will.

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