Sunday, August 8, 2010

Serendipity Do Da

Serendipity is described as the propensity for making fortuitous discoveries while looking for something unrelated. Like for instance that time I was looking for some loose change in our sofa and found three guitar picks; bicycles parts; and the lead pipe from our game of clue. Well today was serendipitous indeed.
While play was suspended at the Rogers Cup tennis, I took shelter from the rain on the concourse of the Rexall Centre. My mother always use to say I didn't know enough to get out of the rain but she was wrong about that. So I get out of the rain and look out over the grounds of the Rexall Centre and just like that who do you suppose just happens to walk across the grounds but Rafa Nadal himself. Of course as a volunteer you are forbidden from approaching, disturbing, distracting, requesting autographs or messing with the players in any way, shape or form. But on this day I am merely a spectator. So I did what any semi normal, avid tennis spectator would do. I yelled RAFA!!! RAFA!!! YOU HOO! UP HERE!!!! To which he looked way up to where my body was vibrating to the point of implosion and he gave me the combination smile and a wave. He gave me a swave. So cool. But wait there's more. As I look to my left there's Novak Djokovic. Only this time I am so overcome with excitement I forget his first name and I am desperate so I yell, DJOKOVIC!!!! DJOKOVIC!!!! OVER HERE!!!! HEY!!! like he's my long lost high school bfa. But he too gives me the combination smile and wave. I get another swave. Serendipitous indeed.
Toronto is after all, a world class city and I know this because my husband tells me so at every opportunity. It's his standard response to everything. Today for instance after I spotted Rafa and Novak at the Rogers Cup which truth be told shouldn't surprise anyone since they are in fact tennis players and are both in Toronto to perform their job which is to play tennis. That kind of sucks because I know if I were them and I were visiting a world class city I would want to tour around and see what it is that makes a city world class worthy but these guys are here to work so they can't do that. Anyway, my son says, "I wonder how Toronto got all of the top seeded tennis players to come to the tournament." And there it is again. My spouse's standard response. "Because Toronto is a world class city." Wow did my son have mud on his face. And not just any mud but mud from a world class city.
Today I am back at this world class event and must don my volunteer cap, literally and figuratively. God help us all.

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