Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Can See Clearly Now The Wine Is Gone

Study Shows That Wine is good for Women’s Cognitive Health.
Is there anyone out there who didn’t expect to see this on my blog? If so, then they should be pouring themselves a nice glass of wine and think.
It’s like Bob Dylan and I have been saying all along, “What once was bad will later be rad for the times they are a changing.”
So it would seem four glasses of wine every two weeks improves cognitive ability in women. Or was that two glasses of wine every four weeks? Go ahead. Ask me anything. Finally, something I have been doing right all along. I beg of you indulge me. Now I just wish a study would reveal giving the silent treatment to your spouse after an argument will not only reduce stress but will increase life expectancy. Not your spouse’s life expectancy of course but your own.
Think of the possibilities (over a glass of wine of course). Women everywhere will no longer find it necessary to don their thinking caps. Now just a thinking nightcap will do. I wonder if the effects of alcohol are instantaneous. For instance, if I misplace my keys should I pour myself a jigger of sauvignon? Or should I just have an intravenous drip installed and keep the good times rolling? Perhaps I’ll perform some experiments on myself. I will go and see the movie Inception once again only this time I’ll have a glass of chardonnay before viewing. The movie will either make perfect sense to me the second time around or I will at the very least dream that it did.


Ashley Herron said...

Very funny Cathy! You truly are a subject matter expert!

Unknown said...

Cathy, I am just lost for words. You are too funny.