Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flaw Less

Flaws are starting to rear their ugly heads in the condo. There are what appear to be several frost heaves in the hard wood flooring. How is that even possible in this humidity? There's a spot in the entrance to my daughters room that could catapult her into bed. Nice feature albeit unexpected. You know when the realtor advertises the condo has all the bells and whistles you might want to check the grounds for trolley cars and train tracks.

That's not all. The clothes washer sometimes skips the spin cycle; the Jacuzzi tub has no on/off switch and the dishwasher needs replacing and I am not talking about me. There ought to be a law. Actually the law states that if anything is found not to be working twenty-four hours after the date of closing then the purchaser can back out of the deal. Imagine a whole twenty-four hours to determine this. Yes laundry is the first thing you want to be doing while moving into a new home. Well before the unloading of boxes; the putting together of beds; and the making damn sure the cable guy shows up. Hell I didn't bathe for the first 48. (hours not days) So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I finally got the chance to relax in a nice, deep, steaming hot, Jacuzzi bath only to discover it couldn't be turned on so neither could I. (It's been known to happen on occasion. Nothing to be ashamed of.)

No use crying over spilled milk I always say; spilled chardonnay definitely.

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