Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Deer Me

Well today I saw something you don’t see in Toronto every day. Well I realize there are lots of things you don’t see in Toronto every day like people making eye contact; little or no traffic; folks drinking water from a glass. But today I saw three deer in a row crossing my path at Sunnybrook Park. I must say it took me by surprise and I paused for a moment in stunned silence. It was a sight to behold. (The deer not my stunned silence.) Seems I live in “Apparently-We-Do-Have-Deer”, Toronto. Who knew there were metropolitan deer? But just like everyone else here they didn’t notice me. They just went about their business running south towards Eglinton Avenue which was too bad I thought because I had heard the traffic report and it said to expect delays. I did a little research and it appears there are deer a plenty in Toronto Ravines. The deer will venture into adjacent gardens but rarely cross streets. Like I said earlier, good luck to them on Eglinton.
So that was a rather pleasant surprise none the less. I like surprises. Like when your income tax refund finally arrives and you discover it’s way more than you were expecting (I am so getting that fridge magnet I’ve had my eye on.) Or when you get that little red number on Facebook notifying you someone has commented on your status. The downside of that is sometimes the little red number indicates someone commented on someone’s status that you commented on earlier. Then that totally sucks.

Today I also learned a few more things about my living quarters. Seems if you leave the oven on for 12 consecutive hours it will beep until you get out of bed in the middle of the night and shut it off. Unlike the freezer, which when left open for 12consecutive hours does not beep.

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