Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Class of 2013

Each August since 1998, Beloit College has released the Beloit College Mindset List. It provides a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students entering college. Today's list reported on the class of 2013. Back in 1991, when the majority of these students were born, there were bailouts, bad loans, government interventions and high unemployment, as opposed to today where there are bailouts, bad loans, government interventions and high unemployment.

Seems the class of 2013 have never had to use a card catalogue to find a book; salsa has out sold ketchup; the Green Giant wasn't a vegetable pusher but Shrek; tattoos have always been very chic and highly visible; and there has always been blue jello. Big Whoop. And this web site receives 300,000 hits annually? I'm scratching my head wondering why I have a measly 12 followers.

I happen to know a few things about the class of 2013. Like how they manage to suck what little discretionary income there may be from their parents’ bank accounts quicker than an industrial strength Hoover. They`ll pierce any part of their bodies; an earring here; a towel rack there. And since when did wearing pants down below your ass become an attractive look? Underwear is just that; under wear. Not outer wear. When I was that age my mother always warned me to check my underwear for holes just in case I happened to get hit by a car. God forbid I should be found lying on a gurney in a hospital emergency department with a head trauma and have a hole in my briefs. Oh the horror.

There is one thing this generation can be proudest of though. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream has always been a flavour choice. Yummy!

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