Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wait Problem

Q I have a little problem with my daughter who is 10 years old. She is overweight at about 100 lbs and 4 ½ to 5 ft tall. I want her to lose some weight, but I don't know how to help her. Every time I say no to what she wants to eat, I feel so guilty. She gets upset when she can't find an outfit to wear. My friends and family tell me that I have to put her on a diet. They criticize my daughter and it makes me feel bad. How can I help her to lose weight and get healthy this summer? Your advice, your attention and your time in this matter all is really appreciated.-

You don’t actually have a little problem. You have a little girl who is 10 years old and may be headed for an eating disorder. Don't wait for this weight to get out of control. You should be consulting with your family physician not friends and family. They can’t be much help if they are criticizing your 10 year old. If this is making you feel bad, just imagine how it is making your daughter feel.

The summer is the best time to be active. Find a sport the two of you could do together and go for it. Tennis is inexpensive and fun. How about getting your daughter a personal trainer? Speaking from experience, one-on-one support works much better than criticism. My personal trainer and I have a good relationship and I have even told him someday I am going to write a book about him. I will title it “Death of a Personal Trainer.” Catchy don’t you think?

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