Monday, July 6, 2009

Drink & Dial

Q I did something really stupid. My girlfriend of over 3 years and I have been growing apart since January, with no love making and hardly any contact during the week. She said that she loved me but was not showing any affection in return. I got drunk one night and posted my profile on a singles site, and low and behold, her girlfriend found it and alerted her that I was there. Well, you can guess the rest. I have tried to get together to talk this out but she will not see me. I do not want to push her but I would like to know where I stand. It has been a month and I am anxious to get back in her life or be free to go looking again. Should I email her and ask or let her take her time?-Drunken Dater

Oh the stupid things one does while drunk. I love the line from the movie sideways when one of the main characters would phone his ex after consuming mass quantities of wine and his buddy referred to it as the ‘drink and dial.’ Rotary phones are antiquated but these day’s people e-mail while inebriated; text while intoxicated; or in your case surf while smashed. Regardless of your mode of communication while under the influence there is no excuse for being stupid.

You had a legitimate cause for concern and the time to discuss it was well before cocktail hour. Now you must gravel and beg for forgiveness. If she doesn’t respond, then it wasn’t meant to be. Good news is you have proof positive that on-line dating services work.

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