Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gender neutral

Q My 16-year-old granddaughter has been living with me for more than a decade after her mother turned to drugs and a life on the street. We have a very strong bond and I'm proud to say she's a "good girl" in all respects -- grades, friends, sports. Recently, I have become very perturbed as she told me that she thinks that she's a boy trapped in a girl's body. I am at an absolute loss at how to handle this.Italic

I feel your pain. I too have a sixteen year old. She's somewhat of a Houdini. She can make money disappear faster than Bernie Mardoff. But I love her just the way she is.

It's no small wonder our children are confused and questioning their sexual identities. Katy Perry has the number one hit song right now titled "I kissed a Girl and I Liked It." Things were a lot different when we were growing up. The Stones couldn't even spend the night together on ed Sullivan. Give her some space and get her to speak with a social worker or therapist.

She's still your granddaughter regardless of her sexual identity.

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