Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Letter to the Editor

Worthington invited to chow down on crow
Was Peter Worthington dreaming when he wrote the column Obama living King's dream (March 10)? The race for the democratic nominee is far from over. According to Worthington, it's Obama vs. McCain. He's written off Hillary Clinton. Does Worthington have access to the Internet? Does he watch cable news? Does he even leave the house? Truth is neither democratic candidate, even if one were to win every remaining primary, would have enough votes to secure the nomination. So what's his column all about? Wishful thinking? Worthington is cordially invited to my home where I am preparing a big old cauldron of crow for him and the rest of the biased media to chow down on once Clinton clinches the nomination. Please do say you'll come. POSTED BY: Cathy Boyd, London POSTED ON: March 12, 2008 EDITORS NOTE: As published in The London Free Press on Mar. 12, 2008.

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