Wednesday, March 5, 2008


In the cozy little corner of her oh so cleaver mind
She sees herself as gossamer, and not what others find.

A dove girl on the very brink of a budding new career
Over fifty? Over weight? Her day of reckoning is here.

Who’d have thought someone like her, could have passed as oh so vogue
Not being fat, not being thin, but "being perfect" so she’s told

You can catch her on the cover of the latest fashion mag
Not waiflike as the others, but more curvaceous with pizzazz.

Her fame will take the form of Andy Warhol’s proclamation
fifteen-minutes and no more of sweet success and acclamation.

A frequent guest of Oprah, both struggling with their weight.
(Someone needs to tell them it’s because of what they ate.)

Soon the stress of all this fame will take a heavy toll
The gossameresque figure will soon look like a bowl

The memory of this moment will forever seal her fate.
Writing was her first love. Perhaps it’s not too late.

"Life imitating art" isn’t that grist for the mill.
She’ll tell her story honestly; embellish it at will.

And once again she’ll find herself the centre of attention.
Oprah’s come a calling for this latest book sensation

Now Conan, Dave and Leno want to delve into this mind;
first big, then small, then big again, a roller coast ride.

So fame and fortune finally, are bestowed on her at last.
Success comes from, of all things, mistakes out of her past.

Hit TV show producers and directors come to call.
Who will play the part of she, someone gossamer and tall?

Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, perhaps Johannsen fits the bill.
You can be sure of one thing, they’ll have huge shoes to fill.

In the cozy little corner of her oh so clever mind
She sees herself as gossamer, and not what others find.

Who said you cannot have your cake and aptly eat it too?
It must have been a man she thinks, some proper little fool!

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