Sunday, April 10, 2011

PETA Principle

Who says the U.S. has a poor health care system? Not PETA that’s for sure. People for the ethical treatment for animals are giving away free vasectomies for men who can prove that they have recently had their companions neutered. Just so we’re clear on this, by companion I mean faithful friend. By faithful friend I mean the four legged type; be it feline or Fido, “it” being the operative word here (or soon will be). But you must also answer the question, “Why should PETA neuter you?” PETA’s ideal answer is the human overpopulation is crowding animal life on the planet and cat and dog overpopulation is creating a euthanasia crisis. Good answer. But seriously, why should you be neutered? Talk about a loaded question. That depends on who is being asked. And the promotion doesn’t end there. PETA will be holding their “snip, snip” promotion during National Infertility Awareness Week, April 24 to 30. Are they being sympathetic or just plain stupid? You decide.
PETA offers free vasectomy

Of course it’s all an attention seeking, albeit genius, insulting to folks everywhere, marketing ploy. Let’s be fair about this. PETA is discriminating against folks who do not happen to have a penis or a pet. Quite frankly, what are women getting out of this? Women should be able to take advantage of this opportunity as well. So I am suggesting that people pas’d pets (French for without) and women be allowed to submit the names of those men they feel would benefit the world by being “fixed” like a dog, and in turn you provide these folks with a four legged friend. It’s a win-win situation. Just off the top of my head names that could potentially fit the bill: Charlie Sheen (that’s a given); Muammar Gaddafi; Glenn Beck; Republicans and any and all past, present and future card carrying members of PETA.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

there are too many of us already. I'm for this.