Friday, April 8, 2011


Ever heard of Fuck Yoga? Well neither had I until today. Apparently there was a woman in BC denied access to public transit because she was wearing a pin promoting this particular type of yoga which simply said, FUCK YOGA. Now I have participated in Bikram yoga otherwise known as hot yoga, Hatha yoga which concentrates on breathing and restorative yoga or relaxation yoga which basically calms one down. But until today I had never heard of Fuck yoga. I must say it sure sounds interesting.
Woman denied access to public transit because of a controversial pin

The woman in question was initially stopped for attempting to gain access to public transit without paying the proper fare. But the arresting officer also added the woman could not enter the public transit train because she was wearing what was in his estimation, a very opinionated button which read, Fuck Yoga. Who could blame the arresting officer? Seriously, as much as we all like sex, you don’t see folks walking around with promotional pins that read Fuck Me do you?

Perhaps he was an avid practicing yoga guru. That still doesn’t give him the right to deny that woman’s freedom of expression in advertising her disgust for Fuck yoga. Maybe there are lots of folks out there who hate say for instance, frozen yogurt. If they want to wear a pin that states, Fuck Frozen Yogurt, well then we should respect that; although I can’t imagine anyone not liking frozen yogurt. It’s yummy.

All I can say is Namaste! Or perhaps as they say in Fuck yoga.......fuck yoga!

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