Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kid Combos

Ever wonder what the secret combo to a blissful family life is? No it’s not earplugs and Advil although they do come in handy. According to, a popular U.K. parenting web site, the X’s have it; the X chromosomes that is. Apparently, a family comprised of two daughters leads to the most harmonious family life. The survey of some 2000 families of different combinations of siblings revealed those with two female siblings found the girls played well together; rarely pushed each other’s buttons; were well behaved and easy to reason with. Of course the ages of the girls were not mentioned in the article. Can you say PMS?

The survey listed the best to worst combination of kids, the worst being four girls. Makes total sense to me and with all of that oestrogen floating around a house full of girls one can only hope those families are not card carrying members of the NRA who all own their own handguns. The full list is as follows:
1. Two girls
2. One boy and one girl
3. Two boys
4. Three girls
5. Three boys
6. Four boys
7. Two girls and one boy
8. Two boys and one girl
9. Three boys and one girl
10. Three girls and one boys (BINGO)
11. Two boys and two girls
12. Four girls
This makes me wonder where all of the good Catholics in this study were. Hell my family didn’t even make the rank; four boys and seven girls. And I’m as normal as the day is long. Go figure.

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