Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Nowrūz Day!

Well you learn something new every day. A Chia pet on top of a vehicle does not necessarily mean folks have very bad taste. Today for instance, as I walked through the barbecue choking smoked filled Sunnybrook Park, I couldn`t help but be reminded of a football tailgating party in Buffalo where the Bills are under the delusion that they can in fact defeat Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Yes, it was exactly like that; a dream; a mirage of sorts. As if.

For those of you living under a rock, (my apologies to trolls everywhere) today happens to be the celebration of Nowrūz. I know what you`re saying, "huh" Well, Nowrūz (translated literally as New Light) is the name of the New Year in Iranian calendars. Of course, I had to stop one of the many pedestrians in the part to ask "Hey, wtf? Why are there no parking spaces in here today?" To which I was told today is a special day for Iranians. It is 10 days after the official day of the start of spring. Why wouldn"t we celebrate? Duh?

Flags were being displayed everywhere. I must admit when it comes to flags of the world I am challenged. Had this been an Olympic year or even FIFA, I would have recognized said flag waving. I do remember vividly the Iranian hostage taking under the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. (I totally love how spell check picks up on Ayotollah) Ahmadinejad is in charge now. He is so much better. In my defense the flag in question has changed several times over the course of the country`s checkered history. Of those displayed today, all were pre Revolution.

So how does one celebrate Nowrūz? Well you have a barbecue of course and display earth, (the Chia pet I mentioned) the first sign of spring on your vehicle. You visit family and friends, in that order, and make certain you have plenty of refreshments on hand to entertain. This includes a sufficient supply of pastry, cookies, fresh and dried fruits and special nuts on hand. They do not specify whether the nuts are human or not.

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