Thursday, March 31, 2011

Real Housewives of Toronto?

It was only a matter of time. Real Housewives of Toronto is on its way. Well the powers to be are in talks at least, as if the growing resentment of Toronto from Canadians living elsewhere weren`t enough. If for no other reason, having its very own televised series should solidify the unification of the rest of the country. God bless Toronto.

The cattle call, I mean casting call should be interesting; “Desperately seeking the preposterous, shallow and ridiculous.” Many feel they`ve come to the right place. Just what characteristics will the casting director be seeking in the women of Toronto? Similar to its US counterparts the women will no doubt need to exhibit the same qualities necessary to succeed in the show; bobble headed, bejewelled; busty; bug eyed; Botox injected bitches. There once was a time Hollywood film makers would import its own garbage to the streets of Toronto to make it look more authentic; more like its American counterpart. It`s a good bet imports will not be necessary this time around. It’s as if the show were created with Toronto in mind. It’s uncanny.

Whether a Canadian version of the popular reality show can succeed here remains to be seen. Sure we all have drama in our lives. Torontonians are no different. Their BMW`s break down. Their kids struggle at Montessori. The customer service at Holt Renfrew is no better than at the dollar store. This can be debilitating for some. The commute to the cottage in the Muskoka, is draining. Where else on earth is the Army called in when snow flurries are predicted. Oh, the horror!

It remains to be seen whether Toronto can pull this off. A New Yorker once said, ``Toronto, it`s a nice place. It`s just not finished yet. `` This might just be the finishing touch. Stick a fork in Toronto. It`s done.

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