In honour of President’s Day I dedicate this blog to Honest Abe (Lincoln) and the Father of our (well my) birth country George Washington, who could not tell a lie and revealed to his dad, “I chopped down that cherry tree”. The two were as honest as the day is long. Which begs the question, is there ever an “ok” time to tell a lie?
Well lucky for us someone with a whole lot of time on their hands (no, not me) has comprised a list of the 25 things it’s ok to lie about. Topping this list is revealing the number of sexual partners one has had plus or minus five. So you ballpark it and adjust accordingly; a double entendre that could come back and welcomed or unwelcomed, bite you.
Number two on the list is stating unequivocally that one has just washed their hands. The fact that there is signage posted through-out public areas recommending we do just that suggests we need constant reminding to do so.
Many of the lies people tell are painfully obvious; height and weight; that fact that you always recycle; that you had only one glass of wine and not the entire bottle (well that’s just stupid); that you love the pink porcelain pig you received as a wedding gift; that this is your natural hair colour (paint you can mess with; blue is not a naturally occurring hair colour); that you cannot do a headstand in yoga;(seriously, someone feels the need to lie about this?); that you floss everyday; (the universal lie) A complete list can be found here: Things that it's OK to lie about
There are a few lies I find rather amusing starting with people who claim to be working from home. They’re working alright folding laundry; filing their income taxes; painting the guestroom. Second on my list are women who claim childbirth is not painful. Sure it isn’t when administered the proper drugs. That person who always manages to one up you each and every time you get together which is not often due to that very reason. And that person for whom, no matter what, the glass is always half empty. They can suck the life out of you quicker than a Karcher.
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