Whatever happened to “give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses...”? I’ve never minded paying an extra cover charge to get into any bar, tavern, dew-drop-inn or hole-in-the-ground from Maine to Manitoulin Island, but to charge me to enter the U.S of A. is just plain wrong.
President Barrack Obama has proposed a new 'passenger inspection fee' on Canadian travellers entering the country. Canadian travellers arriving by air or sea will be charged an additional fee of five dollars and fifty cents to enter the land of the free and the home of the Braves. Exemptions will be made for vehicular travel.
Obama better hope this Canadian “cover charge” doesn’t backfire. Don’t blame those herring choker, toque wearing, beer swilling, dulse eating, hockey playing, royal Canadian Mounted Canucks if they just don’t turn right around and slap on an entrance fee of their own. Obama needs to be reminded that the population of the U.S. is ten times that of Canada and 300 million multiplied by 5.50 is a whole lot more than 30 million times 5.50. And all Canadians really need are some warm temperatures and cheap liquor. Cuba could be laughing all the way to its own proverbial off shore bank.
What's to become of the Canadian identity? Truth be told Canadians feel most Canadian when visiting America. Now Americans are just backing them into a corner. Shame on them. I say we send a ten seater Air Atlantic flying machine to the U.S. and offer to transport those remaining Canadians (i.e. Michael J. Fox; Alex Trebek; and Celine Dion (well Celine can stay if she wants) and get tham back to their homeland before all hell breaks loose and Canada puts a halt to exporting Moosehead and comedians to our friends south of the border or north should you happen to reside in Windsor.
Mr. Gorbachev took down that wall. Mr. Obama take back that tariff!
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