Way back in 1978 the catch phrase, “Jane you ignorant slut” was made popular on SNL’s recurring segment, Point, Counter Point. The very first time Dan Aykroyd addressed Jane Curtain with these very words it was a tv first and clearly ruffled the feathers of not only the television censors but the viewing audiences as well.
Fast forward to February, 2011 and enter a Toronto police officer who, while addressing a gathering of university students on how to prevent sexual assaults said, “Women should not dress like sluts.” Yes, one of Toronto’s finest. I’m guessing this same officer might view prostitution as a great way to meet people.
A female student attending the safety seminar reported the heinous remarks to the officer’s superior. An immediate apology was in the works and the constable stated, he was “embarrassed” by the remark and that assaulted women are “not victims by choice.” He went on to say his comment was “hurtful”. Do you think? The offending officer obviously wasn't.
Of course the director of communications for the Toronto Police Service quickly turned into Inspector Spin Doctor and released the following statement. “The comments made by the constable were "diametrically opposed" as to how officers are trained to deal with cases of sexual assault.” (Fancy police chagrin for “if I don’t use some pretty big words right here we’re totally frigged”)
I am reminded as to how Jane, the ignorant slut, responded to Dan Aykroyd’s remark; “Dan you pompous ass.” Fitting don’t you think?
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