Sunday, November 14, 2010

See Me, Hear Me

Today I made my first video phone call using Skype and I soon discovered I wasn’t quite ready for the experience. Skype should really come with some instructions and warnings. For instance, if your call is to a number of people of all ages, you really need to watch what you say. No I`m not referring to curse words (I was so ready for that) but things in general. Say your caller is booked on a Disney cruise and you forget that the kids are all in on the call and you blurt out, “Hey did you see where that Carnival Cruise Ship had to be towed in after it was set adrift after the ship’s engine caught fire?” Lucky for me I was cut off mid sentence and the sound wasn’t great. No harm done this time. The cruise as far as I know is still on.

I must say I do like being able to see who I am talking with. Skype can really put an end to all that eye rolling and yawning and finger tapping. You can actually see if the person at the other end is bored or busy or even dressed, which by the way I was. This last one presents another problem. Unlike the traditional phone call, one really needs to be presentable when video phoning. Also, I noticed I was yelling at my computer a lot because I felt since the folks at the other end of the call were in Ottawa and that’s a fair distance from Toronto that yelling was necessary. I may have looked pretty stupid doing that too. You know what; I think I am going to rethink Skype.

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