Friday, November 5, 2010

Please Release Me, Let Me Show

Saw a couple of new releases today; Due Date and Fair Game. Fair Game was based on the book of the same name by Valerie Plame, the CIA covert operations officer outed by the Bush Administration's Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, and Scooter Libby, Chief of Staff to Vice President Cheney. Valerie, played by Naomi Watts, has her identity exposed after her spouse Joe Wilson, played by Sean Penn, writes an article in the New York Times negating President Bush's statement in his state of the union address in January 2003. Wilson had gone to Niger as an undercover pro bono CIA operative to investigate whether Niger had supplied a significant amount of uranium to Iraq. Wilson reported there was no truth to this exchange. Yet in his address Bush stated, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa," On March 20, 2003, armed with this negated information, the US invaded Iraq. The rest as they say is history. And by the way, a scooter is something you ride not someone you place in charge of important stuff.

Due Date was a lot less stressful although just once I would like to see a movie wherein Zach Galifianakis doesn`t pleasure himself. Who among us finds this funny? The movie stars Robert Downey Jr as Peter Highman and Zach as Ethan Tremblay. The two strangers get kicked off their flights in Atlanta for causing a disturbance and are placed on a no fly list. With no luggage; wallet or identification, Downey is at the mercy of Zach`s character to get to LA in time for the birth of Downey`s baby; thus the title. A pretty funny cross country adventure ensues. They say opposites attract and in the end these two characters certainly support this theory. It’s not Shakespeare that’s a given. I must say Robert Downey Jr is as easy on the eyes as Zach is not. If you need a good laugh then I would recommend it. Otherwise you can catch Zach on Bored to Death. Downey seems to be everywhere these days. I do believe he is officially over exposed.

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