Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's All Downhill From Here

Evidently once a person turns 52 they also turn into a grump, according to a study conducted by Welsh Researchers. The fact that there was even a study conducted on this subject makes me grumpy. Evidently people in their 50's smile half as much as they did in their teens. That's probably because they have teens. What is there to smile about? And the best part is the research claims it's all downhill from here.

Correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn’t we be researching cures for cancer or AIDS or foot fungus? Entering into ones 50’s entitles a person to become grumpy. This is not news. This is a fact. This is when a person asks not only where did the time go, but where did my hair; teeth and mind go?

Once into your 50’s (or so I’ve been told) people tend to lose the “filter” that had until now, prevented them from going off on people. That’s probably why people in their 50’s tend to do stupid things too like dyeing their hair a colour that has never nor ever will be derived from nature. Or why some men in their 50’s get a perm. The smell and look immediately signal stupid but that filter is missing; can’t be helped.

Turning 50 has it rewards and entitlements (aside from being grumpy). For instance, people in their 50’s don’t take crap from anyone. People cannot hurt them anymore. They have teenagers to do that for them. They don’t procrastinate anymore because they don’t have the time.

And with age comes wisdom. People in their 50’s finally realize the only way to lose weight is to put fewer things inside their pie holes. They don’t need a research study to tell them that.

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