Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You Can't Judge a Book by It's Cover

I received some comments on yesterday's blog regarding Colonel Williams. In response to those comments I would just like to say, "Gee thanks!"

One friend wrote, "We've heard enough about this monster - no more please!" And Another American reader wrote (yes I have gone international), "So, this is one of Canada's finest?? Put him in jail and throw away the key." I couldn't agree more. And for the record Colonel Williams will spend the next 25 years behind bars with no chance of parole. Small consolation for the families of the victims he murdered and sexually abused. This hasn't deterred the media from continuing their overexposure of this guy (as if the bra and panties photo wasn't enough). The Crown Prosecutor believes all this disclosure and media coverage is merely an attempt to humiliate the guy. I kind of think we passed humiliation when Williams appeared in the pink panties and camisole on the front page of the Toronto Star and several other Canadian Nationals. But what surprised me today was a report stating while Col. Williams’s modus operendi may have been unique it certainly was no surprise.

Apparently there are four categories of organized killers: Power-Assertive killers thrive on control; Power Reassurance killers thrive on fantasy and seduction; Anger-retaliatory killers thrive on revenge; and Anger-excitation killers draw sadistic pleasure from inflicting pain and fear on their victim. The Anger-excitation is the rarest and deadliest and Williams fit that profile to a t just as did Ted Bundy and Paul Bernardo; organized, mature; often physically attractive, bright and seemingly social.

So for all of you singles out there e-harmonizing, here’s my advice. Lose the attractive; successful, well-spoken; popular; educated; socialized, “he’s too good to be true” profiles and head straight for the needs some work; has potential; 2.0 gpa; a face only a mother could love, kind of guy. I’m just saying.

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