Friday, October 1, 2010

Love in the Time of Facebook

Went to see The Social Network today and it did not disappoint. How is it possible to feel sorry for someone who happens to be the youngest, richest person in the world?

It's like this. You want to knock some sense into Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, by beating the ever loving shit out of him and then scramble to hire the best plastic surgeon there is to repair the damage. Talk about a love, hate relationship. It's like say as a parent you lose your kid at Disney world and think the worse. They've either been abducted or sold into white slavery or something. Then you suddenly find the kid and want to kick the shit out of them for making you suffer through the agony of thinking the worse. Am I making any sense? Because this makes total sense to me because I lost my kid at the Big Pond Concert in Cape Breton one summer for like two whole minutes and was sure I would never see his face again only a photo head shot of him on the side of a city transit bus or two litre milk carton. Traumatizing.

According to a study completed in Great Britain, happy people have four alcoholic drinks per week; eat four fruits and vegetables per day; take two trips abroad per year; sleep 6.5 uninterrupted hours per night and work 7.5 hours per day. I think the data may be skewed. Here is what I think. Happy people have four alcoholic beverages per day; eat four fruits and vegetables with a nice fun fruit dip consisting of sour cream, yogurt and vanilla pudding mix. Those two trips abroad were actually two trips with a broad. Yes I do believe the part about 6.5 hours of sleep but I also believe this sleep happens to take place sometime during the 7.5 hours spent at work. I'm just saying.

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