Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bottoms Up

Bottoms up usually refers to that friendly remark spoken just before downing that bottle, I mean glass of Chardonnay. In this case it literally means to get up off our bottoms and get moving. Seems scientific research conducted on lab mice discovered that being sedentary turned off a chemical necessary to burn off fat. The researcher, Dr. Jim Levine equated cigarette smoking with sitting on our behinds. It's global; common and hazardous to our health. While once hunters and gatherers, technology has made us sitters and sloths. Well thank you so much Mr. Gates.

Dr. Levine was so upset with the findings of the study he installed a treadmill; set the speed at one mile per hour and worked at his computer continuing his research. He later moved his lab to SALO, a financial staffing company in Minnesota. Enter the treadmill desk At a cost of $4000 each, treadmill desks are just that, a workstation that allows the worker to keep moving while performing their job. The workstations were installed and allowed the employees to walk up to a maximum of two miles per hour while working at their computers. The result after six months of use was a collective 200 pound weight loss for an office staff of eighteen.

Other business was conducted on the treadmills as well like job interviews. Can you imagine the interview questions and answers? Why do you want to work here? Because I can`t afford a gym membership; because a treadmill desk is conducive to my ADD. Tell me can you walk, talk and chew gum at the same time because it`s a pre-requisite?

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