Friday, September 17, 2010

Made in China

Today we went to see Aftershock; a tear-jerker about a family torn apart by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake and reunited years later in the aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. While I was waiting in the line-up to enter the Elgin Theatre where the movie was to make its North American debut, two members of the Chinese media asked if they could interview me regarding the movie. Never one to turn down an interview of any kind (still job searching) I of course agreed to their request. Who knows, I may be seen on the Chinese equivalent of entertainment tonight. With a population of over 1.3 billion people, even if a mere fraction of that number were to catch my interview, it’s quite possible my 15 minutes of fame could easily be realized in China. Technically I could be the first human to hold the title, “made in China.” But for the record I’m not cheap.
So it’s a small world after all just like the song says. This afternoon I ran into a former work colleague and good friend on King Street en route to a festival selection. I can’t speak for my friend but I was very pleased to have seen her. It made me think that Toronto isn’t so big after all. Of course we were both rushing to get to our movie venues and didn’t have time to chat but for that one brief moment someone recognized me in the middle of a busy crosswalk, in a city of 2.5 million people, in a crowded downtown Toronto. Or it could have been uptown. Well it was King and Peter almost to the Hyatt; feet from the TIFF Bell Lightbox. My point is someone not only recognized me but acknowledged me. And for that I am grateful.

1 comment:

Shaynzee said...

I was pleased to see you too! It was King and John by the way and Water was excellent!