Sunday, August 1, 2010

Wa$aga Beach

Today I gave myself immunity and ventured out of Toronto. Similar to the observation of Lent by the Archdiocese of Milan whereby the six Sundays in Lent are not counted among the forty days of abstinence, I too will honour six Sundays throughout the year as days of immunity.
Today we decide to travel to Wasaga Beach in the heart of Georgian Bay. We spend over two hours driving there; twenty dollars to park; and just over two hours on the beach. The water was as shallow as my daughter's former soccer coach and just as vapid. I guess when one grows up on the coast you take certain things for granted, like waves and salt water and breathing room. The Bay is nice but you can't beat the ocean and as I look out over the many, many beachgoers I wonder if they have any idea what they are missing out on. Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cathy - you have a way with words. I loved the soccer coach comparison - friggin funny! LOL