Monday, August 2, 2010

Not every day can be a banner day and I am sorry to report today was a slow and uneventful one. Truth is people everywhere, even in Toronto, need some down time to reboot. (cop out) I did manage to watch Dr. Zhivago from beginning to end, something I have never been able to do. I've never been able to focus long enough on this movie without becoming or being distracted. Partly to blame is Omar Sharif. Talk about eye candy. I'm watching the movie but I'm looking at him. Then there's all those story lines. Lara and Tonya and the Bolsheviks and all that cold, cold weather on the Russian front. Maybe that's why I was able to watch it from start to finish today. Because it's so damn hot outside. That and I googled Omar and he is now 78 and not so hot anymore God knows I wish I hadn't done that but then I wouldn't have watched the movie from beginning to end. Anyway, it all makes sense to me now. The movie that is. Good flick. But then, most of you probably already knew that.

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