Sunday, August 15, 2010

Herstory Repeats Itself

Remember the movie "A Clockwork Orange"? It was the story of a boy named Alex who thrived on ultra violence and the controversial psychological conditioning technique that was to cure him. Alex was placed in a straitjacket and forced to watch films containing scenes of extreme violence while being given drugs to induce reactions of revulsion. This was his cure.

I have a similar story. It’s the story of a girl named Cathy who thrives on tennis and the ways she goes about getting her fill of the sport. Cathy becomes a volunteer at an ATP series event and is willing to volunteer her time directing pedestrian traffic and making small talk in ad nauseum in a lame attempt to watch matches around the clock. In the end Cathy can no longer view or enjoy the sport. Well at least not until the US Open commences in a few short weeks. Overkill is her cure.

So it’s back to my pre-tennis life in Toronto tomorrow; sleeping in; checking the mail; walking the park; searching for jobs; dodging bullets; and preparing for my upcoming job interview. It’s not enough to experience the stress of relocating to another city. Now I must endure the added stress of elaborating on my job skills and abilities to complete strangers in an attempt to fool them into believing they would have to be crazy not to hire me. It worked for George W. Hell he managed to fool less than 50% of the American people and still got the job. Maybe I`ll take a page out of his book. That is if he even owns a book.

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