Friday, July 30, 2010

Love Means Nothing

Day 2: Celebrated the anniversary with some Italian food and a nice California Chardonnay complete with stemware. Before dinner played a great game of tennis. That's where the love comes in. Seriously, in what twisted sports world does love equal nothing.

When googled, "Love" is generally taken as being derived from the French "l"oeuf", the egg, symbolising nothing. The term "love" can also be said to come from the English phrase "neither for love nor for money", indicating nothing.

I am of the belief the inventor must have been bad at relationships; good at tennis. Combining the two perhaps seemed appropriate.

I on the other hand am fairly good at tennis but bad at relationships. So I think I would change zero score in tennis and success in relationships to lucky. It just sounds better and even though you may be losing the match, (tennis or love) doesn't matter. Tell me. Who doesn't like getting lucky?

I may have lost the match but I did get lucky!

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