Saturday, June 27, 2009

Parental guidance

Q My parents have told me they hate the man I'm dating. I'm the youngest of three kids and they've always been quite judgmental about my older siblings' partners, so I have never brought anyone home until now. But I know this guy is the ONE! How do I convince them?

Just what is it causing your mom to disapprove? Does she fear there may be a most unflattering photo of you soon to be adorning the side of a city transit bus or two litre milk carton? Does your mom have some inside information regarding the fellow? How’s his height and weight and overall health? Is it a poor gene pool that concerns her? He’s not a relative is he? These things need to be addressed. Have a sit down with your mom and get some clarification. How’s her selection record? Are your sisters happy with their choices?

Thing is, the first sign of trouble in paradise with this guy you’re going to get the “I told you so” speech from your mom. Best be sure about this guy. Invite him over for dinner and take the tumbler with his fingerprints on it to your nearest OPP Office and have it analyzed for prints. If he’s clean that ought to satisfy your mom. This day and age if a guy’s straight and available you’re already ahead of the game.

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