Saturday, June 27, 2009

Family values

Q When I was a teenager I accidentally got pregnant, but lost the baby. The doctors told me I miscarried because I had ovarian cysts and recommended a complete hysterectomy before I was 20. I've never told anyone except for my mother. Fast-forward 15 years, my boyfriend and I are thinking about getting married and he's telling everyone he can't wait to have a family together. Help! What do I tell him? I don't want to lose him over this.

One doesn't accidentally get pregnant. One may accidentally spill their tea on their laptop while writing an advice column. (excuse me one second) Or one may accidentally set their alarm for pm rather than am and miss a very important meeting. (I didn't want the job anyway). Regardless, if one accidentally has sex, one may find themselves pregnant for sure as you discovered what was taught to you in sex education was in fact true.

I am not judging, however; your "accidental" pregnancy did not cause your ovarian cysts. The cysts caused you to be unable to carry your pregnancy full-term. This is nothing to be ashamed of and you definitely need to discuss with your boyfriend before discussing bridegroom's cake and who will look after the guest book.

Families come to people in many forms; adoption; fostering; biologically; surrogacy or in the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, they are dropped off on your doorstep. If this guy loves you and wants to build a life with you, things will work out. If this is too much for him to handle, trust me, he's not the one for you and I pity the poor girl who ends up with him if he's that shallow.

Hope this helps!

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