The Terminator’s wife has terminated their relationship. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Schriver are splitting up after twenty-five years of marriage. Yes, the actor who coined the phrase, “I’ll be back” apparently won’t be. This after the news surfaced that Arnold fathered a child with a staffer over ten years ago. Imagine the lifelong effect this has on a person. In the bedroom for instance, would anyone in a similar position ever feel comfortable enough asking their partner, “Who’s your daddy?” I think not.
So Arnold is no longer governor of California and having not been born in the U.S. is unable to run for President. Seems he no longer needs Maria and her political connections. Rumour has it Arnold will go back to the movie industry and recreate the roles he is known for in those all time classics, Conan the Barbarian, Terminator and True Lies. Truly life imitating art or more like what passes for art these days. Truth is Arnold’s not getting any younger and his “pumped up” looks will soon fade. He may soon be type cast into roles he was simply born to play such as Planet of the Apes, Gorillas in the Mist and King Kong.
No doubt there will be much written about this split and a probable book and movie deal in the works. I’ve been thinking up some titles like “Inglorious Bastard”, “It Was A Wonderful Life”, or remake some old classics like “It Happened One Night” or “Unforgiven”.
Not sure how I would react if I were in Maria’s shoes other than the obvious, removing and then beating Arnold over the head with said shoes and then pulling a Lorena Bobbit, which reminds me of another title for a probable book or movie deal for Arnold, “There Will Be Blood”.
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