So today I read about planking. Apparently planking is the latest fad from Australia. Let me try and describe this latest phenomenon. When you were a kid taking swimming lessons did your instructor ever teach you to do the dead man’s float? Did your proud parents photograph this moment? When you were a teenager did you ever sunbathe? Did your friends bring along an instamatic to capture the moment? According to Wikipedia, planking is the act of lying face down with arms to the sides of the body, in unusual spaces and photographing it and then posting these photos on the internet. Planking' is the new big trend
Talk about a Kodak moment. On the Titanic I believe they called that drowning. Technically, some religions might refer to this act as having sex.
I kind of get the feeling the human race has run out of ideas. When we were kids didn’t we used to call this behaviour pretend? Pretend you’re asleep? Pretend you’re invisible? Your parents thought that was picture worthy and would take out the Polaroid to capture the peace and quiet. As adults, didn’t this position translate into, “Not tonight honey, I have a headache?” Maybe some of you would lie to the side a bit because you had a hard time breathing out of my, I mean your nose. Technically, the only difference between the act of planking and Pilates is a camera capturing the moment. But apparently the odder the spot you decide to lie down and play dead the better. Grocery stores are popular. Public places of any kind are acceptable. Someone tried and failed planking on their apartment balcony when things went awry. Yes it’s all fun and games until someone loses their life.
It’s times like these I often ask, wouldn’t it be great if stupid were painful?
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