Friday, April 15, 2011

Man Whore

There is no shortage of stupid out there. Used car salesmen have typically been perceived by many as being dishonest and sleazy. Well there is one used car salesman who is definitely living up to his reputation.

A Strathroy, Ontario used car dealership ran the following ad in the London Free Press last week. It read, "You know you're not the first, But do you really care?" The ad depicts a young woman; arms raised in a somewhat provocative pose; wearing what appears to be a black tank top. Apparently, the ad is suggesting if you’re ok with a used woman, you’re ok with a used vehicle.

The sleaze ball who came up with this marketing ploy is Dale Wurfel, President of Dale Wurfel Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ltd. A second advertisement was featured depicting a man this time, Tom Ford, a model and fashion designer from the U.S. with the same caption only his hair is slicked back; he is donning a silky robe (Hugh Hefneresque); tuxedo tie undone; shirt unbuttoned; seated and oozing sleaze. Now I ask you, would you buy a car from this man? (And I use the term man here lightly. I prefer man-whore.) And the ads appeared right around the exact same time of the first official slut walk.

So let me get this straight. If logic holds, non-virgins depreciate. Just as used cars are not as good as new cars. So a woman is perceived as a worthless slut. What do we call a man who enjoys sex? (Tiger Woods? Sorry, couldn’t help myself.) Is there such a term for a man who simply enjoys sex; an equivalent term to worthless slut? Any suggestions? How about Wurfel?

Mr. Wurfel, (and again I prefer man-whore) was contacted by Gwen Sharp, an assistant professor of sociology from Nevada State College (good news travels fast) but he could not be reached for comment. She just wanted to get inside his head. Did he in fact believe a double standard had been averted because both a man-whore and woman were depicted in the ads? If only the misogynistic, man-whore, chicken shit, lower than shark shit in the ocean, used car salesman would pick up the phone.

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