Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It Shouldn't Be This Hard To Be Easy

As many as two-thousand self-proclaimed sluts took to the streets in Toronto this past Sunday. No one told me we were getting together. The march coined SlutWalk by the organizers was in response to the remarks made by a Toronto Police Officer speaking to a group of students at York University’s Osgoode Hall Law School recently. While addressing the small group in attendance Constable Michael Sanguinetti said “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized”. Of course there was a complaint (in the words of Charlie Sheen-DUH!); followed by an investigation (appeasement); followed by a reprimand (slap on the wrist-shame on him).

Sanguinetti has of course apologized to the university and a professional standards committee handled the investigation and it has been reported Sanguinetti faced some form of internal discipline. Details have not been disclosed (Please see previous reference to slap on wrist.) Apparently Constable Sanguinetti is still on the job and did not attend the SlutWalk. This was probably a good move on his part. Best to steer clear of the sacrificial pig........I mean lamb.

The response (lame apology) by the Toronto Police did not satisfy the organizers of the SlutWalk so they took to the streets with their “requests”. Initially, the organizers wanted restructuring of police training and education; implementation of existing third party recommendations on that training and education and improvements in public outreach programs with an emphasis on “rape myths” (ie: she asked for it-look how she’s dressed?). SlutWalk organizers even invited the police to address the crowds at the event. No surprise the invitation was declined. (Sanguinetti’s Last Stand?). A spokesperson for the Toronto Police, Constable Wendy Drummond (there’s a surprise) stated the police did provide the organizers with an outline of changes made to training and investigations as a result of a 2010 review by the Auditor General. Blah...blah....blah.

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