Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Do Us All A Favour-Get A Room!

One of the funniest things I witnessed while away in California was the “Kiss Cam”. I’m sure this is not a new phenomenon it’s just that I don’t get out much. During a break in the action at both the tennis tournament and LA Kings-Anaheim hockey game, the spider cam would lock in on couples in the stands; display them on the JumboTron and these couples, whether they knew each other or not, were required to kiss. Most people responded with a little peck and the crowd found this to be rather amusing albeit an acceptable response. Of course there was always the exception. But if you’re going to encourage this behaviour one must be prepared for the possibility of a public groping session. I’m just saying.

PDA’s or public displays of affection are like a teenager bathed in bad cologne – a slight whiff is barely tolerable while anymore than that is downright nauseating. And with spring officially here, spring fever is soon to follow. Yes, like that bad cologne, love too is in the air; flowers as well as new romances will be blossoming. PDA’s are inevitable. How appetizing was it for viewers to witness Cameron Diaz hand feed popcorn to A Rod during Superbowl? That was the Superbowl for God’s sake! Have some respect!

There will be an increase in pda’s in the coming months. This is a certainty. How are we to deal with this? We can turn a blind eye; hope our gag reflex is working or request the perpetrators at the very least get a room.

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