Friday, March 25, 2011

1-2-3 Red Light!

Radical Rob and his councillors, well one of them at least, are at it once again. Counsellor Giorgio Mammoliti (Ward 7, York West) is proposing a red light district for Toronto Island. Apparently, Mammoliti has the ear of Rob Ford and brought forth the proposal to council. In Mammolit’s defence, he has stated that there already exists a clothing optional beach on the Island. To which I say, “Why am I just learning about this?” Clearly after nude bathing a logical next step to the Island`s infrastructure could only be a red light district. Red light plan for Island

And here I thought Toronto Island was merely a family friendly tourist destination accessible only by boat. A red light district would totally change things. Talk about a pleasure cruise. There would be people in and out and in and out (my bad) all day and night and this could potentially prevent the ferries (and perhaps some of the clientele) from keeping up. One stop shopping for sex, drugs and rock and roll since Toronto Island is also the home of the annual Virgin Fest (how ironic). Seems Service Ontario may be taking things way to literally. They may have to change their name to Serviced Ontario.

It will be a hard sell (poor choice of words) to get the public to buy into a Red Light District in any neighbourhood. Of course, my suggestion would be for Mr. Mammoliti to place it in his own backyard. Clearly Mammoliti is thinking only of the tourists and the tax dollars that could be generated if a Red Light district were given the green light.

Coming to a neighbourhood near you, Flesh Gordons, where debauchery and drinks are served up nightly.

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