Monday, November 22, 2010

Duck Hunting with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars; Skating with the Stars; Celebrity Apprentice; what’s next? I have been giving this some thought. Not a lot of thought mind you. Lately I don't put a lot of thought into anything except dinner. However; I have come up with a few ideas for future celebrity shows.

How about duck hunting with the stars? I see former Vice President, Dick Cheney as a possible celebrity contestant since he has experience. He's not a great shot and his eye sight isn't what it once was. Just ask Harry Wittington. It's funny how a quail can be mistaken for a human.

Are we ready for drinking with the stars? Last man (or woman) standing wins. I see Charlie Sheen squaring off with Kathie Lee Gifford for the top spot. First place fetches an all expense paid trip to the Betty Ford Clinic.

Drinking with the celebrities will inevitably lead to eating with the celebrities. Imagine dining in some of the world’s finest restaurants with the likes of Keira Knightly or Calista Flockhart. Your job as their partner is to get the celebrity to eat something; anything. These ladies look like they are in dire need of some real comfort food. What could be more fun than to explore the eating habits of celebrity stick figures with no soul. How do they do it? Enemas and suppositories or so I’ve been told.

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