Saturday, June 27, 2009

Promiscuous past

Q I cheated on every girlfriend I've ever gone out with until I met my wife five years ago. Since we wed, she's been the only one for me and I've told her so on numerous occasions. But whenever we fight, she brings the issue up that I haven't had a good track record. The last time we battled I told her that I may just find someone new. What do I do to let her know I only said those words in anger?

Let me begin by asking you one simple question. ARE YOU INCREDIBLY STUPID? Women all come equipped with a long term memory so advanced I'm sure Microsoft would love to tap into it. Have you learned nothing in the last five years. You will never win an argument with your wife. That's a given. Women are born with enough storage space in their brains to retain any insult, slight, misunderstanding, affront or slur you or anyone else has ever spoken.

Now you can only expect your latest remark to be stored in her memory bank along with all of the others.

Can you say "Please forgive me?"

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