Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Red kettles aim to collect $325,000

Posted By Cathy Boyd, Special to The Londoner

If you’re ears are ringing don’t be alarmed. You aren’t suffering from tinnitus. You’re simply hearing the sounds of the annual Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign.
The campaign is as synonymous with Christmas as Santa Clause and snow, the red kettle symbolizing not only the start of the Christmas season but also the generosity of people helping those less fortunate than themselves.
The London Kettle Campaign kicked off in London last week at the Hyde Park Wal-Mart – the big retail chain is a national partner with the Salvation Army this year.
The campaign goal for the city this year is $325,000, the same as last year, says Deb Dickers, the Salvation Army’s special events coordinator. “That’s less than a one dollar donation from every resident of London.”
The campaign ends Dec. 24. Funds raised are used by the Salvation Army in London to feed the hungry, provide shelter for the homeless and care for those with addictions.
Kettles are strategically placed at 52 locations throughout the London area, including places such as Angelo’s, Remark, Sunripe, No-frills and, of course, Wal-Mart.
This year Fanshawe College, Medix and Westervelt College are just a few of the local businesses offering up their support to this worthy cause.
Students are getting in on the action as well by volunteering their time and in turn fulfilling their community service commitment, which is a component of their graduation requirement.
Distribution of Christmas Hampers, complete with a week’s worth of food, turkey and potatoes, is another service provided by the Salvation Army during the holiday season. Last year, the Salvation Army distributed 4,000 Christmas hampers to people in need in the London area, Ms. Dickers says.
“With the softening economy the army has already seen an increase in registrations for this year’s Christmas Hampers.”
Along with the kettle campaign the army continues its partnership with the Running Room by hosting the 18th annual Santa Shuffle five- kilometer run and a one kilometer Elf run taking place in Victoria Park on Saturday, Dec. 6. Information on registration and fundraising for this event can be found at www.santashuffle.com.
The Salvation Army has been in London and Canada since 1882. Its goal has always been a simple one, providing support to the most vulnerable. So this season when you hear those bells and you see that bright red kettle, think about those less fortunate than yourself and thank the army for all they do to help them.

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