Monday, March 23, 2009

Imagine, that

Imagine that, a London bed-in
Posted By Cathy Boyd, Special to The Londoner
Posted 5 days ago

You might wonder why Mark Facchin and his girlfriend Jessica Wilkie are in the island window of Kingsmills department store on Dundas St. in downtown London this Friday, March 20.

Well, there’s a story behind that.

They are promoting Mark’s forthcoming show, Legend: The John Lennon Experience, at the McManus Studio under the Grand Theatre next Friday, March 27 by restaging the infamous Beatle bed-in from the ’60s.

“Not only does this help promote my show but it also helps give those who weren't alive at the time – ironically like me – a chance to see and experience the ideals of love and peace and to see that the idea of peace isn't so far lost,” says Mark, 22.

The year was 1969. Neil Armstrong made one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. Woodstock planned for 20,000 visitors and ended up accommodating 20 times that number. Opposition to the Vietnam War was at its peak and John Lennon and Yoko staged a bed-in.

The duo anticipated the publicity surrounding their March 20, 1969 nuptials to spur on a huge media circus. So they decided to use the publicity created by this event to promote world peace. The two spent their honeymoon in the presidential suite of the Amsterdam Hilton for a week March 25-31 and invited the world’s media into their room every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

It’s not quite the same setting, but Kingsmills will serve as the backdrop for Mark’s recreation of this historical event. Much like the original bed-in, Mark says there will be peace signs and hair signs and singing and handouts with information about the original bed-in in 1969.

And what will he do in bed for eight hours behind a 360 degree glass enclosure in downtown London on a busy Friday in March? As quick witted as John Lennon Mark quips: “Maybe I’ll get some sleep.”

Outside Kingsmills there will be flowers, signs, and friends playing music all in an effort to promote the stage performance of the John Lennon Experience.

A graduate of Oakridge Secondary School in west London, Mark is a bassist who has played at many venues in and around London. With his blue-tinted round spectacles, Mark looks a good deal like John Lennon and Mark like John he is a musician with a message, both politically and actively and with a genuine concern for peace. Speaking to His show at the McManus will cover Lennon’s music from 1970-80, including songs such as Imagine, Starting Over, Instant Karma and some Beatles tunes of course. The stage will include a large screen displaying a multimedia presentation portraying video and pictures from John's life along with his music.

His band members include Paul Molnar lead guitar, Ian Andrew keyboard, Alex Golovchenko drummer, and of course, Mark Facchin playing bass. Leah Morise and Charmaine Baily perform vocals in the show.

Tickets range from $16.20 to $18.20 and can be purchased at the door. The show starts at 8 p.m.

1 comment:

marilynebruce said...

I wish I could have been there.